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Napaka v objektivu »rainbow efekt«

26.01.2005 14:41

avtor: Robert Gajšek


Canon EF-S 18-55 »rainbow«

Že kako desetletje sem lastnik Canona EOS 500N. Ko so pričeli na trg prihajati kompaktni digitalci,  sem si nabiral izkušnje na Canonih PS600, A20, A40, G3.  Toda nikoli nisem bil prav zadovoljen, dokler nisem postal ponosni lastnik Canona EOS 300D. V slabem letu sem naredil kakih 13.000 posnetkov in fotoaparat dodobra spoznal.

Oktobra 2004, tik pred potovanjem na Norveško in v  Anglijo, sem nabavil Canona EOS 20D. Bil pa sem nemalo presenečen, ko sem najprej na nočnih posnetkih opazil, da imam na posnetkih v direktno svetlobo »lepe« mavrične kroge. Ker sem imel na obeh fotoaparatih enak objektiv EF-S 18-55, sem najprej pomislil, da je kaj narobe s fotoaparatom 20D. Na samem potovanju ni bilo časa za prehudo eksperimentiranje in sem se posnetkov v direktno svetlobo izogibal. Kasneje sem opazil, da se na objektivu EF 75-300 IS USM  mavrica ne pojavlja. Seveda sem začel pregledovati navodila za  širokokotni objektiv če mogoče v njih kje omenjajo »Special offer-rainbow free«, toda ni bilo nič.

Moram priznati, da so mi nekateri posnetki z mavricami bili prav všeč. Prav posebno doživetje je gledati mavrice ob novoletnem ognjemetu. Doma sem preizkuse naredil še s Tamronovim in Sigminim objektivom EF 28-200, kjer se mavrica ni prikazovala. Na Servisu 3A, ki je pooblaščen za Canone, so se tudi čudili mojim mavričnim posnetkom. Po zamenjavi leče je objektiv spet zdrav. Ker so mi vzeli mavrico z objektiva, sem upal, da mi jo bodo vrnili v obliki kakšnega  Cokin rainbow filtra, vendar so jo obdržali.


English version


Canon EF-S 18-55 »rainbow«

I'm the owner of  Canon EOS 500N for about a decade. When the compact digital cameras came on the market, my experiences were Canons PS600, A20, A40, G3. But I have never been satisfied  enough until I’ve became a proud owner of Canon EOS 300D. In about a year I’ve made near 13.000 shots, so I really know how to operate with it.

In October 2004, before the journey to Norway and England I bought Canon EOS 20D. I was so surprised when I saw in my night photos to a direct light “nice” rainbow circles. Because I’ve had the same objective lens EF-S 18-55 in both cameras, I thought at first, that my camera 20D is not O.K.. There wasn’t enough time for my experiments through the journey and I tried to avoid the shots to a direct light. Later I’ve noticed, that there is no rainbow on the lens of EF 75-300 IS USM. I’ve started to look for the manual for wide-angle lens if there is “special offer-rainbow free” mentioned, but there was nothing to find.

I have to say that some of the photos were really nice. Admiring the rainbows at the New Year’s firework is something special. I’ve done some tests at home with Tamron’s and Sigma’s lens EF 28-200, but the rainbow didn’t show up.

At the service 3A which is authorized for Canons they were surprised at my rainbow shots. After the lens’ changing everything is all right. Because they’ve taken the rainbow out, I was hoping they will return it back to me as a Cokin rainbow filter but they have kept it.


Prve fotografije na katerih sem opazil efekt mavrice. First photos when I’ve noticed the effect of rainbow.


Efekt pa se je naredil samo v delu kjer je bila močna ozka nasprotna svetloba. The effect was only at the hard tight light in front.



Večji je kontrast, večja je opaznost napake objektiva. We can see the defect of the lens when the contrast is bigger.





London malo drugače. Fotografija je zaradi napak leč postala unikat. London in the other point of view. The photo has become unique because of the lens defect.


Pri nekaterih motivih mi je efekt prišel zelo prav. At some motives the effect was the right thing!



Pred servisiranjem. Mavrica je zelo vidna. Before service. We can see the rainbow very well.


Preizkus po opravljenem servisu. Mavrice ni več. Pa ne bi bilo neumno, če bi nam dopustili, da bi fotograf imel možnost vklopiti ali izklopiti različne filtre in druge lastnost med fotografiranjem. The test after the service. The rainbow has gone. It would be nice if they let the photographer to have a possibility to switch on and off the different filters and the other sets during taking photos.





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